Remote Disc

Ever since the launch of the MacBook Air I've wanted to be able to use Remote Disc on my 3rd gen MacBook. I hate slot loading optical drives with a passion.... I thought apple would have enabled Remote Disc for all machines but they sadly didn't.

I have recently found some bits and pieces on various sites and it seems you can use it on any mac not just a macbook air. The only thing that doesn't work is the remote install.

Heres how:

  1. Download the DVD or CD Sharing software for Windows or Mac OS X and install it
  2. On the mac run the following commands in Terminal
    1. defaults write EnableODiskBrowsing -bool true
    2. defaults write ODSSupported -bool true
  3. Restart both machines to be sure that the install/settings took
  4. You know should be able to mount any cd/dvd over the network

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