For the fun of it I ported my dos simulation basic program from applesoft basic to Microsoft Quickbasic for Mac... There are quite a few differences to get over. The result of this was far more clean and tidy code too... feel free to port it back to applesoft for the fun of it. Even tho it looks less impressive/not good enough to fool anyone I'm releasing it anyway :)

For those with old macs you can download a copy of QuickBasic For Mac at Macintosh Garden (Supplement disk)



10 clear
20 print "APPLE IO.SYS for MS-DOS (R) Version 5.0 for Macintosh"
30 print "Copyright (C) 1981 Apple Computer"
40 print "Copyright (C) 1981-1991 Microsoft Corporation"
50 print ""
60 print "Current Date is Fri 1-30-2009"
61 input "Enter new date (MM-dd-yy):"; d1$
62 if d1$ = " then got 70
70 print "Current Time is 0:33:26.26"
71 input "Enter new time:"; d2$
72 if d2$ = then got 80
80 print ""
90 print "Microsoft (R) MS-DOS (R) Version 5.0 for Macintosh"
100 print "(C)Copyright Microsoft Corp 1981-1991"
110 print ""
120 input "C:\>"; prompt$
121 if prompt$ = "exit" then end
122 if prompt$ = "ver" then goto 230
123 if prompt$ = "restart" then goto 200
124 if prompt$ = "cls then goto 210
125 if prompt$ = "" then goto 120
126 if prompt$ = "dir" then goto 220
127 goto 120

200 cls
201 goto 10
210 cls
211 goto 120
220 print "30/10/1991 12:00 PM autoexec.bat"
221 print "30/10/1991 12:00 PM config.sys"
222 print "30/10/1991 12:00 PM <DIR> Dos"
123 print " 3 File(s) 41 bytes"
124 print " 1 dir(s) 45,939 bytes free"
125 goto 120
230 print "Microsot(R) MS-DOS (R) Version 5.0 for Machintosh"
231 goto 120

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