Back in the day basic was the common way to enter games and programs into your computer... sure there was floppys, and tapes but they were commonly used to store basic programs. You could buy programs for your chosen computer platform but where was the fun in that :)

Anyway for the fun of it I made a Dos 3.3 lookalike program on my Apple //c.... It took hours to get it all worked out. The spacing alone on the dir command  took lots of time. Before I ramble on here is the video. Btw I included the source for the program below the video :)



10 home
20 print "APPLE IO.SYS for MS-DOS (R) Version 3.30"
30 print "Copyright (C) 1984 Apple Computer"
40 print "Copyright (C) 1981-1984 Microsoft Corporation"
50 print ""
60 print "Current date is Fri 1-30-2009"
70 input "Enter new date (mm-dd-yy):"; d1$
71 if d1$ = "" then goto 80
80 print "Current time is 0:33:26.26"
90 input "Enter new time:"; d2$
91 if d2$ = "" then goto 100
100 print ""
110 print "Microsoft(R) MS-DOS (R) Version 3.30"
120 print "(C)Copyright Microsoft Corp 1981-1984"
130 print ""
140 input "A>"; prompt$
141 if prompt$ = "exit" then goto 180
142 if prompt$ = "list" then goto 185
143 if prompt$ = "" then goto 190
144 if prompt$ = "ver" then goto 200
145 if prompt$ = "cls" then goto 250
146 if prompt$ = "restart" then goto 10
147 if prompt$ = "dir" then goto 300
180 end
185 list
186 goto 140
190 print "Bad command or file name"
191 goto 140
200 print "Microsoft(R) MS-DOS (R) Version 3.30"
201 goto 140
250 home
251 goto 140
300 print "10/1/1984 10:00 AM autoexec.bat"
301 print "10/1/1984 10:00 AM config.sys"
302 print "10/1/1984 10:00 AM

303 print " 3 Files(s) 41 bytes"
304 print " 1 Dir(s) 45,939 bytes free"
305 goto 140

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